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What is Microblading?

Microblading is a MANUAL method of cosmetic tattooing or micropigmentation.  It is performed using a fine, sterile hand tool to deposit pigment into the epidermis. The tool is dipped into pigment which is then implanted into the skin by way of superficial cuts.

This method is ideal for anyone wanting to enhance the look of his or her eyebrows. The results are natural looking, hair-like strokes, regardless of the amount of natural brow hair present.

Microblading is a multiple-step appointment process. The initial appointment and a "Perfecting Session/Touch-up". This session will take place approximately 4-6 weeks after the initial procedure to perfect the shape, color, and density of the brows.  Some may choose to have additional Touch-Ups in the future to achieve desired results.

**Please Note - I NO LONGER OFFER Microblading in Calgary as I have replaced the service with Nano Hair-stroke Brows which utilizes a digital device similar to that of a tattoo device to deposit pigment rather than "carving" it in using the Microblading method. It is less invasive, less painful and less traumatizing to the skin with superior results & retention. 

Microblading in Calgary
Microblading in Calgary
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